What makes people hesitate in using epinephrine, a life-saving medication, to treat anaphylaxis? We will delve into the reasons behind this hesitation and uncover the factors that prevent timely and crucial action when it matters most.
What the webinar is about: In this session, we uncover the barriers to using epinephrine, with perspectives from a panel including an adult with food allergy, a leading allergist, and a clinical psychologist with expertise on needle phobia.
Our panel will discuss real-life challenges in using epinephrine auto-injectors, including carrying and using needles, and strategies people can use to overcome these barriers. Additionally, the common myths and misconceptions surrounding epinephrine and auto-injectors will also be addressed.
Who is presenting: This webinar will be moderated by Jennifer Gerdts, Executive Director, Food Allergy Canada and will feature the following speakers:
When is it: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 12:30pm-1:30pm EDT.
Please view the recording at foodallergycanada.ca/webinars.
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