Be prepared and confident this season with back-to-school, and share our #MoreThanPeanuts social media campaign to help increase awareness of all food allergies and prevent reactions. Check out our tools and resources, including our new signs and symptoms sheet and five emergency steps sheet that you can share with your school. Plus, check out our back-to-school tips on how to carry your auto-injectors in school.
Be prepared and be confident for back-to-school
With our back-to-school campaign, we’re here to help you and your family get ready for back-to-school so you can start the year with confidence!

Tools and resources: Download our tools and resources and be confident this back-to-school season! Plus, view our Be prepared section to find more resources on epinephrine auto-injectors, preparing for your allergist visit, and more!

Checklists: Download and complete our handy checklists for parents and students to ensure you’re prepared and confident in managing food allergy throughout the school year.

New resources: Download our new signs and symptoms sheet and the new version of our 5 emergency steps sheet and share with family, friends, teachers, coaches, and others who care for individuals with food allergy.

Back-to-school #FoodAllergyHacks: Check out our hacks for back-to-school with food allergy. Share these hacks on social media to spread food allergy awareness and education.
Plus, be sure to create public awareness for all food allergies with our fun social media campaign #MoreThanPeanuts. Our campaign focuses on supporting all food allergies, bringing attention to the seriousness of allergies, and highlighting the importance of knowing what’s in the food you eat and/or share with others so allergic reactions can be prevented. Join the conversation and share with others.

Upcoming back-to-school webinars
Register now for our upcoming September webinars as part of our back-to-school series, aimed at helping you and your family be prepared and confident for the fall and all season long!
Milk allergy: How to manage it and what to consider from a dietary perspective September 19 12-1pm EDT | Register now |
Treating anaphylaxis and what you need to know about Benadryl® September 28 12-1pm EDT | Register now |
We are very grateful for the support of our back-to-school 2023 campaign sponsors. With their help, we can educate and create awareness around the seriousness of food allergy. Don’t miss out on their special offers just for you!

Share with educators: New “All about food allergy” school program
“All about food allergy” is a free, medically-reviewed and curriculum-linked program that will help develop the knowledge and skills students need to support the health and well-being of self and others.

The most effective way to broaden the knowledge and capabilities of the public is through the education system. With this new program, we can start building the foundation of understanding and inclusion.
“All about food allergy” is ideally suited for grades 4-6 although it can be easily adapted for other grades. The program teaches students about food allergy, what triggers anaphylaxis, how to be a good citizen and build inclusion, and much more!
Please share this amazing resource with educators this back-to-school season.
Visit to learn more. Educators can register to access lesson plans, presentations, resources, and more.
Back-to-school: Carrying your auto-injector in style
Back-to-school shopping is an exciting part of the fall season: new notebooks, pens, clothing, and more! Before you pick out the perfect first day of school outfit, check out our tips on carrying your epinephrine auto-injector with you in style this fall. Auto-injector cases come in all shapes and sizes now and however you choose to wear it is up to you – in a backpack, strapped to your waist, or tucked in beside your lunch, as long as you have it with you when you leave the house.

A waist or shoulder bag is great for easy access and visibility. They are available in a variety of sizes and styles (from several different brands) and are extremely versatile. These pouches can carry multiple auto-injectors, additional medications, or other essentials. Using the same pouch/bag every day is a great way to build the habit of always taking your auto-injector with you. Understand the importance of epinephrine and how to use your auto-injector with our new sheet.
Arm/leg carriers are great for carrying your auto-injector with you when you’re playing sports, in gym class or just being active. These carriers strap to your arm or ankle allowing you to be hands-free. Remember, epinephrine can lose its effectiveness when stored in extreme heat or cold, an insulated carrier is always the best option.

In high school or post-secondary school, you can carry your auto-injector in your everyday bag like a purse or a backpack. Some schools may not let you take large bags into the classroom, so it’s important to transfer the device to a pocket or pencil case for accessibility. Be sure to tell your teachers and friends where they can locate it and how to use it. An anaphylaxis emergency plan is a great resource to help you and others know what to do in an emergency. Be prepared and confident with our step-by-step guide on handling emergencies.
Feel confident and stylish this school year, no matter what you wear.
Visit for more resources and tips for the fall.
Tags: All about food allergy school program, auto-injector, Back-To-School